- Hot Wings
- Clean wings, split on the joint and toss the
- For oil frying, dry and fry for 4-6 minutes at 375.
- For Tender Grill- Bake wings until brown, about
an hour at 400 in oven.
Dip in sauce and put on grill until sauce get sticky,
should take 5 minutes or less
- For Total Grill- Dip and cook for 14 minutes, baste
after 6.
- For BBQ- Set to medium low, dip the wings in sauce,
then bake for an hour,
baste every 15 minutes.
- For Oven- Use a rack over a cookie sheet, dip the wings
and bake for an hour at 400
or until
- For Less grease- parboil for 45 minutes, then dip in sauce, finish off
in any manner,
just need to set the sauce since they are fully cooked.
Internal Temp 180 degrees for all